Motor testing


When we started Revolution Electric Motor Company in 2004, we made the realization that the future for the highest performance electric machines was likely to be in air core technology. We set off and focused our efforts on developing air core technologies for both the highest performance (efficiency and power density) and for unique new production methods to enable low cost manufacturing. With our belief, we dedicated ourselves to developing the best core electric motors.

Our first axial gap air core machine, a 40 HP 1200 RPM motor, achieved an overall efficiency 98.5% at full speed and load in 2004. Testing was conducted at Oregon State University and The University of Nevada at Reno. While it was a technical success, we recognize that achieving a technical success is not necessarily synonymous with a commercial success.

Our Mission

Our directive is to create the highest power density and efficiency electric motors and drives, through advanced air core motor and efficient ultrahigh frequency drive technologies.

Innovation Orientated

Our latest motor, a 5HP 3600 RPM machine, is a culmination of years of experience and has achieved 94.5% efficiency, weighs less than 10 kg and requires significantly less material than compared to premium efficiency induction machines. While we are proud of our achievements, we are always curious to know how we can make it better. Because of this, our next motor will hit 95.5% without changing material requirements or operate outside of the NEMA standard frame size.

Additionally, we have improved upon drive technologies. Through hard work and dedication, we have now built our own patented drive that can attain switching frequencies of 1 MHz while maintaining efficiency.

Our Principles

We are driven by the same principles that that led us to our successes and failures over the past 20 years. As we expand to commercialize our technology we are looking to revolutionize the fan, pump, power generation and aviation industries through partnerships.

If you would like to learn more, please contact us.

– The Revolution Team

Get in touch

Chris Gabrys
Chris GabrysCo-Founder
Chris is a technology developer, innovator and a minimalist. He is passionate about transformative technology development. He believes that you are only finished and have done your best when you can take no more away. During the last 30 years, he has been solving difficult problems through simple solutions in a diverse range of fields. Chris’s secondary passion is developing strong intellectual property positions and he is an inventor and author of over 50 US and foreign patents. Chris designed and built his first electric motor in 1991 while working at Argonne National Laboratory. Chris earned a Ph.D. in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Penn State University and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Vermont.
Tim Rodgers
Tim Rodgers Co-Founder
Tim is an entrepreneur and is naturally curious about emerging technologies and their impact for the betterment of society. He has founded multiple companies and has successfully secured investments from angel investors, venture capital, institutional investors and strategic partnerships. Tim has hands-on experiencing building air core motors from 1 HP to 225 HP, including the first motor tested at Oregon State University. Tim is co-inventor on numerous motor and drive patents and finds joy in simplicity. He loves small business and consults for Fortune 500 companies from time to time to help with corporate strategy and has collaborated with the SEC on fraud cases. Tim graduated from the University of Colorado with a BA in Political Science and Astronomy.



9:00am – 6:00pm Pacific Time